Author Archives: Tim Hollo

Momentum Builds For Universal Basic Income | Green Institute

Momentum Builds For Universal Basic Income

By Tim Hollo August 11, 2021

Anglicare Australia backing will shift the debate The Green Institute has warmly welcomed Anglicare Australia’s announcement this week of support for Universal Basic Income, making it the first major Australian charity to back the policy shift, and marking an important turning point in the conversation about…

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Ecocide - Law As If The Earth Matters

Ecocide – Law As If The Earth Matters

By Tim Hollo August 4, 2021

Are we, around the world and here in Australia, slowly but surely making our way towards a legal system where the Earth actually matters? This fantastic conversation suggests that we are, and that we’re picking up speed. Dr Michelle Maloney, from The Australian Earth Laws Alliance,…

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Replenishing The Oily Rag - Image is of an oily paint brush rag and paint brush.

Replenishing The Oily Rag

By Tim Hollo June 25, 2021

So far this year, amidst the challenges we’re all facing, The Green Institute has brought you two fantastic quarterly editions of Green Agenda – Into The Fire and On (in)security, webinars on youth & democracy and climate grief and action, a bunch of blog posts, and a democratic…

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Bookclub With Scott, Danielle And Tim This Thursday

Bookclub With Scott, Danielle And Tim This Thursday

By Tim Hollo May 24, 2021

“Does a story of survival and recovery offer us redemption? Or does it at least spare us the burden of feeling condemned for the crime of omnicide?” These words from towards the end of Professor Danielle Celermajer’s beautiful book, Summertime, ring in my mind as I ponder that difficult, tenuous,…

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Budget, Books And Big Tech

Budget, Books And Big Tech

By Tim Hollo May 10, 2021

I’m super excited to be bringing you three fantastic events covering diverse and important issues over the next six weeks. Please join us to discuss how we can resist austerity in a post-budget event with the Australian Unemployed Workers Union, how to move from climate grief to action…

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