Author Archives: Tim Hollo

Community Building vs Fossil Fuel Digging - Green Institute

Community Building vs Fossil Fuel Digging

By Tim Hollo September 3, 2020

I’m super excited to bring you our next COVID Democracy webinar, featuring two of my favourite climate champions, Julie Lyford and Amanda Cahill, talking about their groundbreaking work. One of the most obvious fault lines in the present…

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Green Agenda is evolving!

Green Agenda is evolving!

By Tim Hollo August 19, 2020

Well, this is a time of transformation, isn’t it? I’m sure you are all aware of the Institute’s open publishing platform, Green Agenda, where we publish articles and essays and interviews about Green politics. Hopefully you’ve all read something…

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Turn It Off And On Again? Reset Reading Group Webinar Recording

Turn It Off And On Again?

By Tim Hollo August 10, 2020

If only it were that simple. It never really is, of course. But it’s the idea that this extraordinary moment creates the opportunity to reset our politics that inspired the Reset Reading Group, the first round of which…

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Ideas For A Just Future - Reset Reading Group - Green Institute

Ideas For A Just Future

By Tim Hollo August 1, 2020

One of the fantastic projects that sprung up thanks to this extraordinary moment, and that the Green Institute has been delighted to be involved with, is the Reset Reading Group. Launched by our friends at the…

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Sharing, Caring, Co-creating, Co-governing

Sharing, Caring, Co-creating, Co-governing

By Tim Hollo July 23, 2020

We had a fabulous conversation last week with Julie Miller Markoff from Bendigo’s bHive and Nat Defriend from London’s Participatory City, taking us through their work to build better, healthier, happier, greener communities from the grassroots up. In the 6th webinar in our Covid Democracy Series “Community-building From Bendigo To…

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Community-building How To

Community-building How To

By Tim Hollo July 8, 2020

Following last week’s inspiring conversation about cooperatives as a path to democratic economic recovery, next week we have the opportunity to dig a little deeper into how communities can take the lead and just do it for themselves. Join us for a discussion about Community Building from London…

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Sow The Seeds Of Ecological Democracy

Sow The Seeds Of Ecological Democracy

By Tim Hollo June 29, 2020

As we hit the halfway mark of this most extraordinary, challenging, terrifying and occasionally actually inspiring year, I need to ask for your support. Like everybody else, The Green Institute had to drastically change plans for the last few months, and I’m proud of what we’ve managed to do. Instead…

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Cooperative COVID Economic Recovery

Cooperative COVID Economic Recovery

By Tim Hollo June 28, 2020

As we begin the vital work of economic reconstruction, do we have to leave our democracy at the workplace door? As we seek to create job opportunities for people, does it have to be done by handing wads of cash to big, often heavily polluting, corporations to employ grateful workers?…

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Facing Up To Catastrophic Risks

Facing Up To Catastrophic Risks

By Tim Hollo June 25, 2020

Just as Australia started to lock down, I was privileged to be invited to take part in a full day roundtable conversation on Zoom hosted by the Commission for the Human Future, to discuss the array…

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