Call for proposals (closed)

Green Institute Conference Call For Proposals - The City Transformed


Proposals are welcome for keynote speeches, panel discussions and workshops to explore some of the vast array of questions this topic raises.. Suggested focus areas, as a stimulus for discussion, are listed below.

Please submit:

  • proposal of no more than 250 words
  • proposed format – presentation, panel or workshop
  • short bio of no more than 100 words for each proposed participant

Send to by COB 16 June 26 June, 2023

Cities and democratic organising:

  • transformative democracy in the city – community organising, mutual aid, campaigning, assemblies, etc
  • transforming democracy in the city – devolution of power to the grassroots
  • “municipal globalism” – the city as the basis for a new, non-state-based geopolitics

Urban ecologies and planning in crisis:

  • managing cities in the face of the climate crisis
  • equitable, democratic and sensitive urban development – doing density well
  • blurring the urban / ecological boundary – “rewilding” the city, multi-species communities, green walls, etc
  • challenging the private car – mass transit, active travel, design for people not cars

Commoning the city:

  • urban agriculture
  • sharing and repairing
  • cooperatives
  • housing justice, community organising for shelter
  • reclaiming privatised space (advertising, malls, roads) for the public
  • “third spaces” – neither private property nor commercial spaces, libraries and other public commons where people can gather and not be expected to buy anything

Diversity, social cohesion and anti-racism in the city:

  • can this most colonial structure be decolonised? How?
  • borders, movement of people, and urban inclusion – eg sanctuary cities providing protection for refugees
  • social cohesion and anti-racism by design
  • Inclusive, accessible development
  • alternatives to policing cities – community safety programs, restorative justice, community building and social investment

The Green Institute gratefully acknowledges the support of our Knowledge Partner for this event, Griffith University Climate Action Beacon.