Living Together

How are we to live in – and design – cities which enable and encourage equitable human interaction and sustainable living. How can we support communities to thrive fairly within big cities and small towns? How can we ensure affordable and accessible housing that benefits communities rather than developers? How can we enable a true sharing economy to develop, where we hold things in common rather than retreat to individual ownership of everything?

In short, how do we live together?

Brindabella Views Or Billboards? You Choose.

By Tim Hollo June 17, 2017

You know what Canberra, our beautiful bush capital, needs? More billboard advertising! Said nobody, ever… … Except Andrew Barr, in a brief thought bubble early this year. Unfortunately, our Chief Minister sent the idea off to a Legislative Committee inquiry and, unless a large number of Canberrans write in urgently…

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A Budget For Last Century…

By Tim Hollo May 10, 2017

Last night's Budget has been received by many as a typically Labor Budget. And, to be frank, that's about right. Publicly framed as fair while hiding tax cuts for big corporations and nasty punitive measures for vulnerable people, it's a Budget that suits a party still emerging from the 19th century, paying no heed to the huge challenges of the 21st century.

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Got Time For A Chat About The Future?

By Tim Hollo January 13, 2017

I hope you had a good rest over the holiday period and, like me, are ready to leap into 2017 with renewed energy. One of the reasons I’m feeling excited and energetic is because, as well as just not working for a while, I had some fantastic conversations with people…

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