Living Together

How are we to live in – and design – cities which enable and encourage equitable human interaction and sustainable living. How can we support communities to thrive fairly within big cities and small towns? How can we ensure affordable and accessible housing that benefits communities rather than developers? How can we enable a true sharing economy to develop, where we hold things in common rather than retreat to individual ownership of everything?

In short, how do we live together?

Urban farming as transformation: Green Institute Conference 2023

Urban farming as transformation: Green Institute Conference 2023

By Elissa Jenkins October 20, 2023

This recording is from The City Transformed: Urban life at the end of the world as we know it – Green Institute Conference 2023, specifically the session entitled Urban farming as transformation featuring “Creating Food Resilient Neighbourhoods”, with Gabriel Reese; “What’s Next in Urban Farming”, with Fiona Buining; and “Agrihood…

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Affordable and Liveable Cities are Possible!

Affordable and Liveable Cities are Possible!

By Tim Hollo August 2, 2023

A new conference panel just dropped, and it’s a corker! Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney, the excellent Greens Councillor Sylvie Ellsmore, has just returned from travels where she’s gathered some amazing ideas about transformative policies for public and affordable housing that are actually being implemented and working in cities like Paris and London.

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Living Democracy in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne And Online

By Tim Hollo September 16, 2022

The busy times continue, with fabulous conversations all around the place about Living Democracy. I just spent the day at the ACT Conservation Council’s symposium on the Circular Economy where people from NGOs, government, business and academia were buzzing around ways of reinventing the economy, and what’s being done on the…

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