Living Together

How are we to live in – and design – cities which enable and encourage equitable human interaction and sustainable living. How can we support communities to thrive fairly within big cities and small towns? How can we ensure affordable and accessible housing that benefits communities rather than developers? How can we enable a true sharing economy to develop, where we hold things in common rather than retreat to individual ownership of everything?

In short, how do we live together?

Cooperative COVID Economic Recovery

Cooperative COVID Economic Recovery

By Tim Hollo June 28, 2020

As we begin the vital work of economic reconstruction, do we have to leave our democracy at the workplace door? As we seek to create job opportunities for people, does it have to be done by handing wads of cash to big, often heavily polluting, corporations to employ grateful workers?…

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Facing Up To Catastrophic Risks

Facing Up To Catastrophic Risks

By Tim Hollo June 25, 2020

Just as Australia started to lock down, I was privileged to be invited to take part in a full day roundtable conversation on Zoom hosted by the Commission for the Human Future, to discuss the array…

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Catastrophe, Cooperatives, And Community-building | Green Institute

Catastrophe, Cooperatives, And Community-building

By Tim Hollo June 14, 2020

As we start to emerge from lock-down, thankfully with remarkably low health impacts compared to much of the rest of the world, the economic, social and political impacts of the Covid pandemic will only get more stark. As we’ve already been seeing, the divergent possibilities opened up by this moment,…

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Democracy At A Moment Of Rupture

Democracy At A Moment Of Rupture

By Tim Hollo June 10, 2020

What do we do at moments of rupture in our politics? How can we work at this moment to build better democracy at the local level and the global, for all of us? That was the starting point for this stimulating and inspiring conversation, the third in our Covid Democracy…

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Our Submission To The EPBC Act Review - Green Institute

Our Submission To The EPBC Act Review

By Tim Hollo April 21, 2020

In the midst of these extraordinary times, it takes a bit of an effort to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic came hot on the heels of the worst bushfire season we’d ever had, following a terrible drought and horrific fish kills, and the third mass bleaching event on the Great…

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Reset Reading Group: Get Involved

Reset Reading Group: Get Involved

By Tim Hollo April 17, 2020

I’m super excited to be part of a wonderful new program, the Reset Reading Group, hosted by our friends at the Commons Social Change Library. Over six fortnights, we will bring you a series of readings, podcasts and…

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Nobody Left Behind - Including Ecosystems

Nobody Left Behind – Including Ecosystems

By Tim Hollo April 6, 2020

These are extraordinary times. Everyone I talk to at the moment is feeling like their head is spinning. As well as fearing for our own and our loved ones’ health, and trying to keep our kids focussed on their education from home while we work or search for a new…

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