Living Together

How are we to live in – and design – cities which enable and encourage equitable human interaction and sustainable living. How can we support communities to thrive fairly within big cities and small towns? How can we ensure affordable and accessible housing that benefits communities rather than developers? How can we enable a true sharing economy to develop, where we hold things in common rather than retreat to individual ownership of everything?

In short, how do we live together?

Community Cohesion - Campaigning - Connection - Green Institute - COVID-19

Together While Apart: Webinar Video, Q&A And Resources

By Tim Hollo March 20, 2020

How on sweet Earth do we practice and cultivate ecological ethics, connected diversity, community building and social cohesion, when we can’t come together face to face? It was incredible to have 100 people cram into a virtual room together to discuss this – and demonstrate one way to do it…

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What Does Climate Emergency Action Mean?

What Does “Climate Emergency” Action Mean?

By Tim Hollo February 20, 2020

The National Climate Emergency Summit, held in Melbourne on February 14-15, was a timely and important event. The Sustainable Living Festival pulled off an impressive feat organising it, filling Melbourne Town Hall to absolute capacity, getting a huge number of people inside and outside the rooms talking about the…

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What Needs To Be Done For Us To Survive? Donate to The Green Institute

What Needs To Be Done For Us To Survive?

By Tim Hollo February 6, 2020

I’m sure that, like me, over this terrifying summer so far, you’ve been inspired by the way communities across the country are coming together to support each other, whether it’s through fighting fires themselves or cooking meals for each other, distributing masks or gathering goods for families who’ve lost everything.

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Climate Crisis - Australian Bushfires - The End Of The World As We Know It

The End Of The World As We Know It

By Tim Hollo February 3, 2020

As I sat down to write this—struggling with how to get on with normal life while, just down the road, a massive fire burns in one of my favourite places and smoke turns the morning light a ghastly orange—two kookaburras suddenly started laughing in the tall eucalypts behind my home.

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