
Why New Zealand needs a smart new change

By Tim Hollo July 16, 2014

Government in waiting? Why New Zealand needs a smart new change Gareth Hughes MP 16 July 2014 The New Zealand election was held on 20 September 2014. In the lead up, NZ Greens MP Gareth Hughes previewed the election, the issues and the campaign. Video…

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See how the money goes

By Tim Hollo May 27, 2014

See how the money goes Parliamentary speakers from the Greens Parliamentary Team 27 May 2014 The 2014 budget is still making news a month after it was delivered. Listen to the Greens’ analysis and a quick summary of the billions of dollars the government could save in other less…

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Defending universal health care

By Tim Hollo May 6, 2014

Defending universal health care Colin Jacobs 6 May 2014 Colin Jacobs, adviser to Greens health spokesperson Richard di Natale, sets the scene for the Abbott government’s first budget and its widely previewed attacks on the universality of our healthcare system. This is the opening round in a…

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Coal Age to Green Age: the unstoppable energy revolution

By Tim Hollo March 17, 2014

Coal Age to Green Age: the unstoppable energy revolution Jay Tilley 17 March 2014 Jay Tilley explains why we’re already in the energy revolution and why it’s so exciting: “It doesn’t matter how much of a backwards, recalcitrant, head-in-the-sand government we have…we’ve already won in a lot…

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Free trade or fair

By Tim Hollo March 11, 2014

Free trade or fair Senator Peter Whish-Wilson 11 March 2014 Greens trade spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson explains what’s behind the free trade deals the government is negotiating – with Korea, China, Japan and the huge TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) which covers 12 countries, including the US, and 40% of…

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One stop chop

By Tim Hollo November 6, 2013

One stop chop Felicity Millner, Vic EDO, and Margaret Blakers, Green Institute 6 November 2013 The Abbott government is preparing to surrender its environment protection powers to the states. Under their ‘one stop shop’ agreements states will be able to assess and decide on proposals affecting threatened species, world…

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Extinction emergency

By Tim Hollo August 29, 2013

Extinction emergency Tim Flannery, David Lindenmeyer, Bob Brown, Sarah Rees speak at a packed forum in Melbourne Thursday 29 August 2013 The science is in — the ash forests ecosystem is in a state of near-collapse and Leadbeater’s Possum is heading rapidly to extinction. The case is compelling for…

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Down to Earth: accounting for carbon stocks

By Tim Hollo June 19, 2013

Down to Earth: accounting for carbon stocks Judith Ajani, Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU Wednesday 19 June 2013 The goal of the UN Climate Convention is to keep the stock of carbon in the atmosphere below the level where it will cause dangerous climate change. Yet international…

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Technology. Can we control it or will it control us

By Tim Hollo March 26, 2013

Technology. Can we control it or will it control us Georgia Miller, PhD candidate at UNSW and former coordinator of Friends of the Earth’s nanotechnology project Tuesday 26 March 2013 Nanotechnology, IT and biotechnology are promoted as ‘enabling’ technologies that, combined, could revolutionise communication, manufacturing, medicine and the military.

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