Ecocide – Law As If The Earth Matters

By Tim Hollo August 4, 2021

Are we, around the world and here in Australia, slowly but surely making our way towards a legal system where the Earth actually matters?

This fantastic conversation suggests that we are, and that we’re picking up speed.

Dr Michelle Maloney, from The Australian Earth Laws Alliance, opened with a wonderful introduction to the ideas of Earth-centred law and governance, based on both Western deep ecology and the lessons of Indigenous culture and laws. Jojo Mehta, co-founder and director of the Stop Ecocide Foundation, followed with a comprehensive introduction to the idea of ecocide laws, the proposal currently on the table, and the steps from here. And Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Australian Greens environment spokesperson, brought it into the Australian context, talking about recent decisions by governments and courts, and the implications of these laws being introduced.

While there are active plans both locally and around the world, the introduction of a crime of ecocide is still a little way in the future. But even the conversations around it help change the world, shifting norms and culture towards one where the Earth truly matters.

Watch and share the whole webinar for inspiration, information, and interesting discussion.


Rosemary Blemings says

So valuable and exciting to have this webinar for revisiting and forwarding.
Thank you all,



M says

Good talk, thanks.


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