Program: Everything is Connected

Green Institute Conference - Book Now

Green Institute Conference 2017


Downloadable formatted program is here.

Registration for the conference is open – tickets available here.

Friday October 27

8.30am – Registration, Old Parliament House, Canberra

9am – Welcome to Country at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy – please ensure you register early as we need to walk around the building to the Embassy ready for a 9am welcome.

9.30am – Opening Plenary

  • Tim Hollo, Executive Director, the Green Institute – brief welcome
  • Dr Mary Graham, Kombu-merri person, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Queensland – Indigenous Conceptions of Governance

10.30am – Morning Tea

11am – Second Plenary

  • Professor Brendan Mackey, Griffith University – The breath of life connects us all: scientific reflections on our planetary connections & their political ramifications

11.45am – Parallel Panel Sessions

  1. Science, AI and Democracy
    • Featuring Ellen Broad, Felicity Ruby, Georgia Miller, Penny Kyburz
  2. Connecting to Nature
    • Featuring Margaret Blakers, Dr Nicole Rogers, Jana Norman, Tammy Milne
  3. Social Institutions of Connection
    • Featuring Mike Dowson, Joan Staples, Sue Lewis

1.15pm – Lunch (catered on site, with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options)

2pm – Parallel Panel Sessions

  1. Systemic Approaches to Race, Racism and Prejudice
    • Featuring Tim Lo Surdo, Lidia Thorpe, Rachael Jacobs, Rosanne Bersten, Larissa Baldwin
  2. Alternative Conceptions of Economics
    • Featuring Anna Schlunke, John Hawkins, Ursula Rakova
  3. Green Agenda Debate: What Even Is Democracy?
    • Featuring Green Agenda editors Clare Ozich and Simon Copland, WSU’s Stephen Healy, and Joan Staples

3.30pm – Afternoon Tea

4pm – Parallel Workshop Sessions

  1. Community Action for the Climate Emergency – the role of local government
    • Philip Sutton, Bryony Edwards
  2. Consensus How To
    • Jim Buckell, Kathleen Maltzahn, (Janet Rice)
  3. Non violence How To
    • Giz Watson
  4. Working in and with Rural and Regional Communities
    • Deb Foskey, Lisa Arnaud

5pm – Brief Wrap Plenary

6pm-11pm – Party at the ANU Pop Up Village

  • Food will be available for purchase, bar tab, live music from Chris Endrey
  • SPECIAL EVENT: Live panel podcast by The Wholesome Show, described as “Roy and HG with PhDs”, interviewing Christine Milne, Samantha Ratnam and Robyn Lewis on “Who on Earth are the Greens, anyway?”

Saturday October 28

9.00am – Plenary

  • Video address by Kate Raworth, author, Doughnut Economics
  • Stephen Healy, Institute of Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney – The Commons: What, Why and How?

10.30am – Plenary

  • An introduction to the Aboriginal Tent Embassy

11am – Morning Tea

11.30am – Parallel Panel Sessions

  1. “The truth” and politics
    • Featuring Dr Rod Lamberts (ANU), Dr Benedetta Brevini (Sydney University), Julie Macken (Australian Catholic University), Mark Chenery (Common Cause Australia)
  2. Geopolitics, peace and nuclear issues
    • Featuring Dr Sue Wareham (MAPW/ICAN), Felicity Gray (ANU), Joshua Wyndham-Kidd (ANU), Dr Adam Broinowski (ANU)
  3. Making Prisons Obsolete
    • Featuring Hui Zhou, Mukhtar Mohammed, Kathleen Maltzahn

1pm – Lunch (catered on site, with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options)

1.45pm – Parallel Panel Sessions

  1. Systemic Approaches to Inequality
    • Featuring Eva Cox (UTS), Dr Ben Spies-Butcher (Macquarie University), Dr Elise Klein (Melbourne University), Chris Twomey (WACOSS and Curtin University)
  2. Living In and Designing Cities
    • Featuring Dr Jason Byrne (Griffith University), Professor Marcus Foth (QUT), Nilmini de Silva and Steven Liaros (PolisPlan)
  3. Green Agenda Debate: Social Movements and Political Parties – how do we relate?
    • Featuring Green Agenda editors Clare Ozich and Simon Copland, Maiy Azize of ACT Greens and Anglicare and Holly Hammond of Plan To Win.

3.15pm – Afternoon Tea

3.45pm – Closing Plenary

  • Tim Hollo, report backs, and facilitated discussion

5pm – Close

Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible to avoid missing out!

Green Institute Conference - Book Now