Everything Is Connected: Systemic Approaches To Inequality

By Tim Hollo October 28, 2017

This brilliant panel deeply engaged with questions of inequality, the future of work, Universal Basic Income and more. Panel members were:

L-R: Bem Spies-Butcher, Chris Twomey, Elise Klein
L-R: Ben Spies-Butcher, Chris Twomey, Elise Klein

Eva Cox (by video link)

Eva Cox is a public commentator, community change agent, well known feminist, on a postage stamp, Boyer Lecturer 1995, and active social and political researcher. She has taught policy, advocacy and research methods, run research consultancies, and worked as a public servant, political adviser and consultant.

Dr Ben Spies-Butcher

Ben Spies-Butcher is a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Masters of Policy and Applied Social Research in the Sociology Department at Macquarie University. His most recent co-au- thored book is Market Society, published with Cambridge University Press.

Dr Elise Klein

Dr Elise Klein is a lecturer of Development Studies at the University of Melbourne. Her research interests span conditionality in Indigenous poli- cy, psy-expertise in development interventions, women’s economic empowerment and economic rights. Her new book is Developing Minds: Psychology, Neoliberalism and Power.

Chris Twomey

Chris Twomey is the Director of Policy for the Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) and Chair of the Green Institute. Chris previously worked as a senior policy advisor to the Australian Greens Parliamentary team.


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