Become a FroGI: a Friend of the Green Institute

Become a FroGI and give a bounce to our work, leading, seeding and feeding transformative Greens politics!
Imagine if we had the time and space to really think deeply about the changes we need in the world, and how to make them happen! Imagine if everyone in and around the Greens party and movement had the opportunity to get involved in these conversations! Imagine how that could make our campaigning on the ground, our work in parliaments and councils, and our efforts helping communities at the grassroots, even more powerful and transformative!
The Green Institute exists to create the space for strategic conversations about Greens politics that can’t happen elsewhere, but are crucial for our movement’s transformative goals.
Since 2008, the Institute has been at the leading edge of conversations on the Green New Deal, Universal Basic Income, the Rights of Nature, post-growth prosperity for all, and participatory democracy. Through webinars, papers, conferences, workshops and training programs, the Institute has been leading, seeding and feeding transformative Greens politics.
We need your support to bring this work to more people, and to involve more of us in the conversations.
Whether you’re a pobblebonk or a bell frog, every bit helps, and is tax deductible. Leap in today as part of our regular giving program!
When you become a FroGI, you can choose to receive a lapel pin, a sticker or both – a way to show your support and inspire others to as well.
Gifts to the Green Institute are fully tax deductible for Australian donors (there is no annual donation limit). Donations are subject to the disclosure rules of the Australian Electoral Commission (the disclosure threshold for 2024-25 is more than $16,900).

Words of support from fabulous FroGIs:

“I believe that nourishing and nurturing the Green Institute as a critical and integrated piece of our Green eco-system bears fruit far beyond the money invested in it. That’s why I’m proud to financially support the Green Institute and I invite you to join me in supporting them too.”
– Janet Rice, Greens Senator for Victoria … and FroGI.

“I donate to the Green Institute so they can do the thinking and research that challenges and informs our views, giving our party the depth we need beneath our slogans and sound bites. I encourage you to do the same.”
– Tim Read, Member for Brunswick in the Victorian Parliament … and FroGI.

“I donate to the Green Institute because the future is something we create and if we want a better one, we have to make it ourselves.”
– Jo Clay, MLA, Member for Ginninderra in the ACT Legislative Assembly … and FroGI