Watch Back – Greens Leaders Talk Democracy
This month I was incredibly privileged to chair a webinar with three tremendously inspiring Greens leaders from around the globe, as we launched the Global Greens Strengthening Democracy Network.
If you weren’t able to join us, quite late in the evening, you can now watch or listen to the video of the conversation here.
Bringing three quite different experiences and yet such similar perspectives to the questions of democracy, Aotearoa Greens co-leader Marama Davidson, Rwandan Greens Presidential candidate Frank Habineza and Canadian Greens leader Elizabeth May all shared fantastic insights into the challenges we face building, protecting and deepening democracy.

We heard about Marama’s experience bringing First Nations democratic principles into ministerial positions, Elizabeth’s insights into internal democratic practices through to global ideals, and Frank’s extraordinary journey, from the brutal assassination of his close colleague through to wonderful successes implementing a Greens agenda.
I was so pleased we were able to tease out a little the crucial question of how we, as Greens, work to change the world from within systems that are designed to protect the status quo.
Watch or listen to the hour-long conversation here.
In closing, I want to let you know that I’m working up plans for an exciting project rebuilding understanding of and commitment to our peace pillar. If you happen to know any generous philanthropists who could help fund such a project, please let me know, and it will be launchable faster!
Take care of yourselves and each other in these challenging times,
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