Green Institute Recordings: Watch & Listen

The Missing Peace Webinar #1: The Greens’ commitment to peace with Bob Brown and Jo Vallentine

Change Everything: Natalie Bennett on her new book on transformative Greens politics, with guest Christine Milne, 9 July 2024

Tim Hollo’s presentation at the Happiness And Its Causes Conference, November 2023

Urban farming as transformation: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

Closing Discussions: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

“Sustainable Materialism as politics” Keynote and “Protest and the City” Panel: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

Democratic transformation through crisis: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

Beating the Heat: Community action for cool cities: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

“Cruel Summer” Keynote: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

Urban, suburban, post-urban futures: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

A Caring City – From problem to solution: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

A Caring City: Energy, Arts and Third Spaces: Green Institute Conference, August 2023

“The Land Back” at The City Transformed, Green Institute Conference, August 2023

“Welcome to Country” and “Opening Address” at The City Transformed, Green Institute Conference, August 2023

“Aboriginal relationality and the city” at The City Transformed, Green Institute Conference, August 2023

Green Agenda Webinar – Transforming Towards Living, 13 April 2023

Online Book Launch: Living Democracy by Tim Hollo – 11 August, 2022

Green Institute Webinar: Together? Apart? Where Are We?? 9 February 2022

Unconditionally – How Covid Response Points The Way To Unconditional Welfare, 27 October 2021

Green Institute Webinar – 10th Anniversary Of The Greens-Gillard Clean Energy Act, 9 November 2021

Buy Nothing as Democratic Practice

Green Institute Webinar – Could Australian Politicians Soon Be Prosecuted For Ecocide? 29 July, 2021

Talking Cooperatives For A Democratic Covid Recovery, 2 July 2020

Covid Democracy Webinar Series: Facing Up To Catastrophic Risks, 18 June 2020

Green Agenda Webinar – Big Tech Let The World Burn, 17 June 2021

From Grief To Possibility To Action – Green Institute Webinar, 27 May 2021

Green Agenda Webinar: Into The Fire, 10 March 2021

Youth and Democracy in a World on the Brink: “I Am Greta” online screening and webinar with Jordon Steele-John, 10 February 2021

Green Agenda Webinar: Where To From Here? Imagining A Post-Covid Future, 11 November 2020

Covid Democracy Webinar – Fighting Fossil Fuels By Building Community, 17 September 2020

How Do We Reset? Ideas For A Just Future, 5 August 2020

Sharing, Caring, Co-creating, Co-governing, 16 July 2020

Talking Cooperatives For A Democratic Covid Recovery, 2 July 2020

Covid Democracy Webinar Series: Facing Up To Catastrophic Risks, 18 June 2020

Covid Democracy Webinar Series – From The Local To The Global And Back, 4 June 2020

Covid Democracy Webinar Series: UBI with Guy Standing, Abigail Boyd and Jane Goodall, 21 May 2020

Green Institute Covid Democracy Series – Indigenous Democracy Now, 7 May 2020

Webinar: Staying Together While Keeping Apart, 19 March 2020

The European Green Wave: What’s Going On? With Reinhard Butikofer MEP, 27 August 2019

Kate Raworth presentation to Everything is Connected, October 2017