Turning The Ship Around With A Rising Tide

Turning a coal ship around is incredibly difficult. Turning the ship of state is even harder.
It’s so much easier to stop investing our trust in the whole shebang and simply start living into being the world we need – a world of peace, of democracy, of just and regenerative economy, and of ecological wisdom.
At Rising Tide, we pulled off possibly the biggest act of climate-focussed nonviolent civil disobedience in Australian history. But we actually did something much bigger than that.
We cultivated a tremendous, joyful, beautiful YES to the new world alongside the strong NO to coal and the old world organised around it. Together, we started living into being the world we want and need to live in – a world of mutual aid, of deep, deliberative democracy, of the solidarity economy – in a powerful act of prefigurative politics.
The folks at The Shot have just published my story about this, which you can read here and share, if you find it uplifting.
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